The entire course is FREE but registration is required to access the entire course. Access my courses if you already have your community profile on MAHS Network or check out how to be a part of the Tribe and join Memberships!

Join the FREE Art & DIY Membership and get auto enrolled on to this course including access to restricted member only resources and pages. Do ensure you join, it is free! Cheers to Continuous Personal Development & being a better you!! Make sure you send us a message making your interest known in order to get approved! 

Sharing and Learning just got better! Sharing and Learning just got better! Use MAHS Learn to track your progress, answer quizzes and more. Thanks to Amsa Yaro of Yarolli Wears & Amsa Yaro Studio you can enrol on her Course and Learn learn about Art, Craft & DIY inspired by Easy video demonstrations for simple projects and downloadable pdf card to inspire you and your projects. Cheers to Continuous Personal Development!

Course Information


Course Instructor

Amsa Yaro Amsa Yaro Author

Founder of Amsa Yaro Studio & Yarolli Wears. Artist and Jewelry designer into Media Communications

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